Ime projekta: BeneVict
Trajanje: 1. 7. 2022– 30. 6. 2024
Projekt BeneVict je namenjen razvijanju baze podatkov z namenom izboljšanja področja pravic žrtev kaznivih dejanj in vplivanja na prihodnost pravic žrtev v Evropski uniji. Namen projekta je med drugim vzpostaviti široko vseevropsko partnerstvo, ki osvešča o izzivih, kako izboljšati realnosti žrtev kaznivih dejanj širom EU.
Projekt BeneVict želi podpreti Evropsko komisijo pri prenosu Strategije EU o pravicah žrtev 2020–2025 v zakonodaje držav članic in pri oblikovanju prihodnosti pravic žrtev v EU. Od leta 2012 dalje se pričakuje, da države članice implementirajo Direktivo o pravicah žrtev in nadaljujejo z razvijanjem storitev za žrtve kaznivih dejanj.
Hitra analiza praktične implementacije v 26 državah bo prispevala k boljšemu razumevanju tega, kakšne vrste ukrepov so potrebni za izboljšanje prenosa pravic žrtev v zakonodajo – pa naj gre za spremembe v Direktivi, nov zakonodajni instrument na nivoju EU ali držav članic, politično pobudo ali druge ustrezne ukrepe.
Metodologijo projekta bomo razvili tako da bo zajela vidike spola in vidike drugih ranljivih skupin žrtev, še posebej skupin, ki jih opredeljuje VRD – otroke, žrtve terorizma in zločinov iz sovraštva, žrtve z ovirami itn.
Cilji projekta:
Cilj projekta je na podlagi dejstev in argumentov nadgraditi pravice milijonov žrtev kaznivih dejanj v EU ter skozi to nasloviti tudi globalne potrebe na tem področju.
Nameni projekta:
- kot podpora EU in državam članicam pri prihodnjih ukrepih na področju skupnih vrednot in pri implementaciji Strategije EU o pravicah žrtev;
- kot podpora državam članicam pri razvoju njihovih nacionalnih strategij;
- kot podpora VSE in njihovim članicam, partnerjem in sodelujočim pri prizadevanjih za izboljšanje pravic žrtev;
- razvoju metodoloških orodij za bodoče skupne iniciative – vključno z oceno izvajanja, zbiranjem podatkov;
- pripravi utemeljitve za izboljšanje podpore žrtvam in za utemeljitev prihodnjih naložb v storitve.
- hitra ocena trenutnega stanja implementacije Direktive v praksi v 26 državah članicah;
- identifikacija praks zbiranja podatkov v državah članicah;
- razvoj metodologije za Victim’s Rights Index;
- kvantifikacija stroškov viktimizacije v štirih izbranih državah članicah – v Estoniji, na Nizozemskem, Portugalskem in na Švedskem;
- identifikacija in kvantifikacija pozitivnih učinkov podpore žrtvam v Estoniji, na Nizozemskem, Portugalskem in na Švedskem;
- predlogi priporočil za bodoče vlaganje sredstev v podporo žrtvam;
- opredelitev vrzeli v znanju in veščinah deležnikov – strokovnjakov s področja podpore žrtvam, odkrivanja in pregona, pravosodja, itn.;
- doprinos k prihodnjim ukrepom EU in držav članic na področju pravic žrtev;
- oblikovanje pristopa za uporabo rezultatov z namenom grajenja učinkovitega sodelovanja z deležniki;
- izboljšanje zmogljivosti deležnikov za odzivanje na potrebe žrtev;
- ozaveščanje o ciljih projekta in delitev projektnih rezultatov.
- Weisser Ring Verbrechensopferhilfe (AT)
- Weisser Ring (DE)
- Victim Support Finland (FI)
- France Victimes (FR)
- BIjeli Krug (HR)
- FEHÉR GYŰRŰ Közhasznú Egyesület (HU)
- Crime Victims Helpline (IE)
- Rete Dafne Italia (IT)
- Skalbes (LV)
- Victim Support Malta (MT)
- Slachtofferhulp (NL)
- Victim Support Sweden (SE)
- University of Bucharest (RO)
- PIC (SI)
Financerji: sofinancirano s strani EU
Povezava na spletno stran:
About the project:
The BeneVict project aims to support the European Commission in its implementation of the Victims’ Rights Strategy 2020–2025 and the crafting of the future of victims’ rights in the EU.
Since 2012, the EU Member States were expected to implement Victims’ Rights Directive and continue developing services for victims of crimes.
A rapid 26-country practical implementation analysis will contribute to the understanding of what type of future action is needed to improve implementation of victims’ rights – be it an amendment to the Victims’ Rights Directive, a new legislative instrument at the EU or the MS level, a policy initiative, or other appropriate type of action.
Project methodology will be developed to capture, as much as possible, the gender perspectives and perspectives of other vulnerable victims, in particular groups identified by the VRD itself – children, victims of terrorism, hate crimes, victims with disabilities etc. Whenever possible, disaggregated data will be demanded. Review of data collection practices will, in particular, aim to look into the availability of data that can help identify and/or address the issues of gender equality and victim vulnerabilities
In its entirety, the project supports the global need to have valid and evidence-based argument for the advancement of victims’ rights across the EU and is, as such a much needed endeavour to advance the rights of millions of European victims. As such, it ultimately serves a number of specific purposes, including:
- Supporting the EU and MSs in their future action on common values and implementation of the EU Victims’ Rights Strategy;
- Supporting MSs in the development of their own national strategies;
- Supporting VSE and our EU based members, partners and collaborators in advancing rights of victims;
- Delivering methodological tools for future shared initiatives – including implementation assessments, data collection;
- Developing an argument to advance the benefits of victim support and justify investment into further services.
- Rapidly assess the current state of play in the practical implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive across the EU-26;
- Identify data collection practices in Member States;
- Develop a methodology for the Victims’ Rights Index;
- Quantify cost of victimisation in four selected Member States – Estonia, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden;
- Identify and quantify benefits of victim support in Estonia, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden;
- Propose recommendations for further investment in victim support;
- Identify lacunas in the knowledge and skills of stakeholders – victim support professionals, law enforcement, justice etc.;
- Inform the upcoming EU and Member States action in the field of victims’ rights;
- Build an approach to using research results to build effective engagement with stakeholders;
- Increase the capacity of stakeholders to respond to victims’ needs Raise awareness about project objectives and disseminate project results.
Project partners:
- Weisser Ring Verbrechensopferhilfe (AT)
- Weisser Ring (DE)
- Victim Support Finland (FI)
- France Victimes (FR)
- BIjeli Krug (HR)
- FEHÉR GYŰRŰ Közhasznú Egyesület (HU)
- Crime Victims Helpline (IE)
- Rete Dafne Italia (IT)
- Skalbes (LV)
- Victim Support Malta (MT)
- Slachtofferhulp (NL)
- Victim Support Sweden (SE)
- University of Bucharest (RO)
- PIC (SI)