PIC izvaja projekt Razprave in akcije o podnebju in okolju (Discussions and Actions on Climate and Environment – DACE) v okviru programa Evropske unije CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values). Projekt vključuje 7 mednarodnih partnerjev.
Cilj projekta je ozaveščanje slovenske javnosti na področju prilagajanja podnebju in podnebnih pravic.
Glavni nosilec projekta je Justice & Environment, katerega bolgarska, estonska, madžarska, avstrijska, španska in slovenska članica izvajajo približno enake projektne naloge v letu 2023 in ponekod tudi prihodnje leto. Ob zaključku projekta želimo, da bi državljani EU izvedeli več o načrtih in političnih dokumentih, ki vplivajo na podnebne spremembe, ter o pravicah, ki jih imajo državljani na področju podnebnih spremembm. Naš projekt podpira tudi uveljavljanje teh pravic, ki so lahko celo v obliki podnebnih tožb.
Glavne aktivnosti v času projekta so:
- javnomnenjska raziskava o problematiki podnebne ozaveščenosti prebivalstva s posebnim poudarkom na prilagajanju, odgovornosti in pravicah države;
- pravne študije in informativno gradivo o podnebnih pravicah in njihovi izvršljivosti;
- nacionalno dogajanje o rezultatih javnomnenjske raziskave na eni strani in o pravni študiji na drugi;
- mednarodni zaključni spletni dogodek, na katerem se bo s sodelovanjem Evropske komisije razpravljalo o predlogih politik;
- posamezne korake projekta objavljamo na spletni strani PIC in na Facebooku.
Projekt financira EU.
PIC is implementing the DACE project within the European Union’s CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) program. The project includes 7 international partners.
In 2023, the Discussions and Actions on Climate and Environment, i.e. the DACE project, is being implemented. The goal is to raise the awareness of the Slovenian public in the area of climate adaptation and climate rights.
The main supporter of the project is J&E, whose Bulgarian, Estonian, Hungarian, Austrian, Spanish and Slovenian member organizations will carry out approximately the same project tasks this year and in some locations next year as well. At the end of the project, we would like EU citizens to know more about the plans and policy documents affecting climate change, as well as the rights that citizens have in the field of adapting to climate change. Our project also supports the enforcement of these rights, which can even take the form of climate lawsuits.
The main activities will be the following during the project period:
- public opinion survey on the issue of climate awareness of the population, with particular regard to adaptation, the government’s responsibility and rights
- legal study and information materials on climate rights and their enforceability
- national events on the one hand about the results of the public opinion poll, on the other hand about the legal study
- an international online closing event, where policy proposals will be discussed with the participation of the European Commission
- We communicate individual steps of the project on PIC’s website and Facebook page.
The project is funded by the EU.