Če ste članica ali član:
- Zveze delovnih invalidov Slovenije,
- Društva revmatikov Slovenije,
- Zveze društev civilnih invalidov vojn Slovenije,
- Društva za KVČB,
- Društva Altra,
- Zveze gluhihin naglušnih Slovenije,
nam lahko za pravno svetovanje pišete na pic@pic.si
ali nas pokličete na številki +386 1 521 18 88 ali +386 51 681 181.
Za pravno svetovanje glede azila in migracij nam pišite na pic@pic.si
ali nas pokličite na: 069 707 150 (dosegljivi tudi preko WhatsApp in Viber).
For legal advice on asylum and migration, write to us at:
or call us at: +386 (0)69 707 150 (also available on WhatsApp and Viber)
Temporary protection for Ukranian citizens -> https://pic.si/temporary-protection/
You can apply for international protection if you are being systematically persecuted in your country of origin on account of:
– your political opinion (an opinion, position or belief about the government, political parties and organisations that exercise control over the country);
– membership of a particular social group (perceived as different by the society in the country of origin, based on identity, common origin, beliefs – for example LGBTQ+);
– your religion (theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs; participation or non-participation in private or public formal religious ceremonies, other religious acts or expressions of belief);
– race or ethnic origin (skin color, origin or belonging to an ethnic group);
– nationality (belonging to a group determined by cultural, ethnic or linguistic identity, common geographical or political origin).
You can apply for international protection if your return to the country of origin would pose a threat to your life or freedom because of international or internal armed conflict in the country of origin or may expose you to face serious harm (death penalty or execution, torture or inhumane or degrading treatment).
Free legal help and representation during the asylum procedure can be provided by PIC – Legal centre for the protection of human rights and the environment. For assistance contact PIC at pic@pic.si, call 069 707 150 or +386 69 707 150 (WhatsApp, Viber).
When you cross Slovenian border you can express your intent to apply for international protection to the Police or any other state or local authority and they will then notify the Police.
You can contact the Police by calling 113.
The Police will take you to the Police station, where they will ask you to give:
– your personal information (identification);
– describe your journey to Slovenia;
– reasons for coming to Slovenia.
If you are seeking asylum in Slovenia, you should clearly express this intent to the Police as soon as possible.
- you have the right to seek asylum. From the moment you express your intention to apply for international protection, you cannot be removed from the country.
- the procedure must be conducted in a language you understand. If you do not understand, you can ask for a translator.
- you are not obligated to sign any documents that you don’t understand. You can ask for a translator.
- you should notify the police and other personnel if you are an unaccompanied minor or if you require special assistance: if you are a disabled person, older person, pregnant, a single parent with underage children, victim of human trafficking, person with mental ill-health, person with intellectual disability, rape victim, torture victim, victim of other forms of severe psychological, physical or sexual violence.
After preliminary procedure at the Police station, you will be transferred to Asylum Home. Here you will be able to file your application for international protection.
Before filing your application, you will:
– receive a medical examination;
– your fingerprints and photograph will be taken.
If you are an unaccompanied minor, you will be given a legal guardian who will represent you throughout the entire asylum procedure.
- you have the right to information on the asylum procedure in Slovenia, on your rights and obligations as an asylum seeker.
- all the information regarding the procedure must be given to you in a language you understand.
During the lodging of the application you will be asked to:
– state your personal information;
– describe your journey from your country of origin to your arrival to Slovenia;
– state your reasons for applying for international protection.
An interpreter will be present during the lodging of the application. If you have a legal guardian or a legal representative, they will also be present during the interview.
After you lodge your application, you will have a personal interview. In the interview you will be expected to provide detailed information about your reasons for asylum:
– detailed explanation of circumstances regarding your fear of persecution or threat to your life or freedom in your country of origin;
– documentation and evidence supporting your statements, if you have them or can obtain them.
An interpreter will be present during the interview. If you have a legal guardian or a legal representative, they will also be present during the interview.
- you are entitled to demand information regarding the developments of processing your application for international protection.
2.3. Negative decision and Dublin decision
If you receive a negative decision or a Dublin decision, it is very important that you obtain legal help quickly. The deadlines are extremely short, so you should contact your lawyer on the same day that you receive the decision. To get legal help:
– call PIC at 069 707 150 or +386 69 707 150 (WhatsApp, Viber);
– contact a lawyer from this list https://spvt.mp.gov.si/imenik-svetovalcev-za-azil-begunce.html.
- you are entitled to free legal help in court proceedings if your application for asylum is denied.
PIC – Pravni center za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja izvaja individualna informiranja za ukrajinske begunce.
Informiranja se nanašajo na področje začasne zaščite, torej informiranje o pravicah in dolžnostih, ki izhajajo iz tega statusa ter o nadaljnjem vključevanju v slovensko družbo (zaposlovanje, šolanje, zdravstvo, urejanje pravnega položaja po prenehanju začasne zaščite, združevanje družine, pridobitev državljanstva in vrnitev v izvorno državo).
Če se želite naročiti na individualno informiranje, prosimo pišite na naš e-mail pic@pic.si ali izpolnite obrazec na tej povezavi: https://forms.gle/WF6wDNXiLt14uApP9
☎️ 051 681 181
Aktivnosti financira UNHCR.
PIC – Правовий центр захисту прав людини та довкілля надає індивідуальні консультації для українських біженців.
Консультації стосуються сфери тимчасового захисту, тобто інформація про права та обов’язки, що випливають із цього статусу, а також про подальшу інтеграцію в словенське суспільство (працевлаштування, навчання, охорона здоров’я, регулювання правової ситуації після припинення тимчасового захисту, возз’єднання сім’ї, набуття громадянства та повернення в країну походження).
Для замовлення індивідуальної консультації напишіть на нашу електронну адресу pic@pic.si або заповніть анкету за посиланням: https://forms.gle/WF6wDNXiLt14uApP9
☎️ 051 681 181
Svetovanje za najemnice in najemnike v MOL se izvaja vsak torek na sedežu Pravnega centra za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja – PIC, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana od 14.00 do 16.00.
Za svetovanje se lahko naročite vsak dan med 9:00 in 14:00 na telefonski številki 01/521-18-88 ali 051/681-181.
Svetovanje je možno tudi po telefonu ali elektronski pošti pic@pic.si.
Zelena svetovalnica je neodvisna pravna svetovalnica, namenjena dajanju pojasnil in nasvetov vsem, ki se aktivno ukvarjajo s problemi varstva okolja, ohranjanja narave, urejanja prostora ter prostorskega načrtovanja, predvsem pa zainteresiranim posameznicam in posameznikom, civilnim iniciativam ter nevladnim organizacijam.
Dostopna je na tej povezavi -> http://zagovorniki-okolja.si/zelena-svetovalnica/
Nudimo odplačno pravno svetovanje po neprofitni tarifi 18,30 EUR za pol ure pravnega svetovanja.
Naročite se lahko na pic@pic.si ali nas pokličete na telefonski številki : +386 1 521 18 88 ali +386 51 681 181.
V kolikor imate dodatna vprašanja, ki ne spadajo med zgornje kategorije, nam lahko poizvedbo kljub temu pošljete na pic@pic.si ali nas vsak delovni dan med 9:00 in 14:00 pokličete na 01 521 18 88 ali 051 681 181.